Haha funny shit. There was this one scene were the little kidnapped dude fought with the kidnappers who wanted to stab him dead but ended up slashing one of the bad guy’s BABY BLUES. Yes tt means his EYES! Bloody hell you could see his eyeball kinda slash in two. May I emphasize on what an awesome shot it was? It was so real it had me screaming in pain… Then I started laughing.. LOL. My bro says its all bullshit like how can those kind of people lead such screwed up lives.? But I argued tt the movie was cool in which these same people just led worst-case scenario kind of lives; as in these kind of things COULD happen in reality. Just not all at once. And in the same neighbourhood too. No heck they were bloody-next-door-neighbours.
Back to the issue I want to discuss, the briefcase to the head. Ralph Fiennes was darn hilarious in the Chumscrubber. I was so used to see him act in movies like The Avengers as those cool, slick good guys, tt seeing him act like a gunduhead here made me laugh so hard. His expressions were priceless. There was one scene where he spilled wine on the linoleum floor. The next thing he did was stand in the mess with his green socks absorbing the red liquid with this spaced out look on his face as if he just saw a unicorn flying across the room singing the national anthem. The protagonist/hero in the movie, Dean [Jamie Bell] gave him such funny looks tt I fell about laughing my ass off. Definitely the funniest scene in the movie.
Well you see, Ralph Fiennes’ [darn cool name I must say] character, Micheal went slightly bonkers when the briefcase hit his head. Bonkers as in he sees these ‘inspirational’ things all around him [read: Dolphins! Aha.] He said something about life being filled with coincidences and hidden messages and tt we must be alert enough to notice it.. Or he might have said other things but it was somewhere along these lines.. You get the idea.
And me, I was alert today, enough to spot these cute ickle things while helping my mum out with the kuih sales this morn.

-- can you see it?

-- boo!
I assure you these appeared on their own and have not been tampered with by human hands.
It might seem like a small silly thing but its minor things like these tt brings a smile to my face. I packed them into packs of 3 paus. Hope the individual tt buys them notices these marks and tt it made their day as much as it did mine. --Yea I’m crazy like that.

-- your face is so contagious, it wears announcements. it leaves me breathless, i won't forget this. i won't forget.. --
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