Sunday, November 19, 2006

Race The Dream

Having a spot of insomnia right now. It's been a long time since i last used the house computer too.. Darn holidays gives my brothers opportunities to use the comp every friggin night. Big bro use in the morning or afternoon then the lil 'uns use it at night. To play what else but DOTA and World Of Warcraft. Lucky third-buses :P And i get scolded everytime i play games.. No fair.

Anyway, the cause of my insomnia could be cuz of this: On Friday i borrowed 2 books from NYP library. [Read: BORROWED already] Then i went to the cafe where my bag was. I remembered vividly that i kept the [liver disease] books INSIDE my bag. Sat night, being the good girl that i am [ahahaha], i wanted to start on my ICA research. Opened my bag.. and they WEREN'T there! Arrgh. Where oh where have they run to? Bloody hell i'm screwed la. Borrowed alr but i think i left it in the library. How to find it again? Fines gonna run sky-high. And how am i going to inform the librarian on Monday? Embarassing ar!!

Oh and i am officially sick. Sore throat. Cough. Runny nose. Grr.
Kelana, my 2nd brother is having chicken pox. I pray hard it don't get infected by the itchy dotty scars sickness. Shingles might be coming back. DAMN you.
~ Ma. I want a NEW body. This one SPOILT already.. :X

My emphyeetree is FULL. I hate having to delete songs to make up space for new tunes. It's like trying to choose which one of your children to dispose of. Sheesh.
- I need new bands to fall in love with. Recommendations anyone?

Current faves: Hollywood Undead- No. 5
Kill Hannah- Race The Dream

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