Thursday, October 26, 2006

Forget Me.- not

Whoa. I didn't think my blog was worth reading.. Thanks sayang. Your comment made my day..

Well today's the third day of raya and i'm bored at home. Day One was fun tho; we went to Cik Mah's house for a family reunion cum mass-uh-forgiveness thingy.. Haha how do i explain this.. Well, all of the relatives on my Mum's side gather in one house. Then we line up from the elderst to the youngest and ask for forgiveness from each other. Packets filled with Singapore currency are distributed [my fave part! :P] to the young ones. After tt we proceeded to stuff our faces silly with delicious kuihs and food brought by my relatives.

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-- kak ain and me.

The second house we went to was my aunt on my dad's side; Bibik Manik. I loe going to their house. They always seem to have their computers on for the little kids to play. Well i'll let the pics speak for itself.

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-- peach-ey

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-- on: the other side

Uh too down to talk much. Wanna know why? Cuz i'm kinda sick. Went to the polyclinic yesterday and the doctor said i had some kind of viral skin infection or what. Not sure what it is exactly but all i know is it HURTS like a b*tch!! Well i'm kind of apprehensive and reluctant to write it here but wth.. The doctor mentioned something about sakit Cina [means Chinese sickness] and snake.. Eff la!! Snake?! Doesn't sound that scary here but read on..

Conversation we had while waiting for yet another 2 grueling hours for the medicine [was prescribed Acyclovir tablets and cream] with my mum [she offered to come along with me. Sweet right? awW..]

[translated to English for my loving readers..]
Mum: Eh the doctor said something about snake and sakit Cina just now right? I heard tt if the thing manages to go round the body/waist, the person will die.
Me: *speechless*
(2 minutes pass)
Me: Ma. (grasps mum's hands tightly and stares deep into her eyes) Before i die, can i dye my hair red?
(Mum smacks my shoulder and we both laugh.)

~Heh. Moments like are what makes me feel lucky that i get along well with my loved ones..

The inspiration for the red-tinged hair was when i watched Singapura Live! Edisi Raya on Suria channel a few days back. Fell in love with the lead from Aegyptie's red highlights. That and the hairstyle combined equals phoAr!! I like~ .. I tried to find peektures of that hairstyle online but to no avail.. Hmm maybe Suria could show a repeat of the show again? Pretty please?

Yea well come round to my place for raya people! And i'll show u my new contacts! Haha. Nice?

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-- and they said that vampires will never hurt you..

-- because one day I'll leave you, a phantom to lead you in the summer, to join the black parade...

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