Sunday, October 01, 2006


'sup balls. Eh

New month. New greeting seh. Haha. Which reminds me; 1st October. Happy Children's Day ickle buggers! Cartoons tmrw start at 9am and i am not there to watch it. Why you ask? My attachments are starting already. Bleh. Hope everything will be fun and fine. Gonna go to Obstetric ward at SGH. Yea and hope i get to watch the bearing of a new life. First hand experience of a pregnant baby expulsing the foetus [-phoetoes]. from inside her womb thingy. LOL.

Well just thought i'll update my blog. 3 more weeks of attachments and i'm free bebeh! Wohoo! Here's to the weeks flying past like no one's business. Oh and selamat berpuasa to every Muslim. Heh yea we have to fast while having our attachments. Hope i don't faint or anything. All i know is tt my tummy will be a whole lot painful. Hungry ar. Stay at home already hungry; whatmore working.. Nvm cobaan la katakan~

I hafta go now. Attachment at 8am tmrw. And Mr Rockett Power just told me about this Hougang flasher guy. Likes to flash at young girls and nurses. Shit la scarey can? Damn hope i dun run into the a-hole whoever that hentai guy is. Wek!

You guys should check out the Blood Brothers. They have a friggin unique sound in the vocals section. I don't think it's many people's cup o tea but i love them all the same. Check out 'Love Rhymes With Hideous Car Wreck' <-- hells yea it does.
and 'Every Breath Is A Bomb' <-- my fave.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
--kermit. the. frog. is moshing along to theBloodBrothers. *hails*

*Side note: Hmm seems like i used too many of the word ' hope' in this entry. Can't have too high hopes cuz if it doesn't come true, you'll crash hard and burn even harder. Don't know if this makes sense to you and i think it's my brain not talking. Probably the suh-leep tt is taking over. G'night to one and all. Oh and plz leave a comment. My tagboard's currently on effing vacation. Oh and anyone care to recommend a good tagboard to put on my blog site? Currently i'm using cBox and i have no idea wth is wrong with it. Gateway timeout Julian says. Guess who's been a naughty taggy-board then?! xP

-- motion gives up on you in the end. i try my best to be home by then.

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