Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Youths and Our Music..

Listen to this!
This is what you get when you put us 4 in a room with guitars, speakers and an mp3. Yup it really is a spontaneous song that we played.
Vocals: Faisal, Sakinah [timer :D Ahh! x4 ROFL]
Guitar: Me
Bass: Zim
*had to do lotsa retakes cuz i kept screwing up and play a different ryhthm. HAH. Need more practice~

One more thing.
Do me a favour and check out this band.
Listen to the song Love And Hate and you'll absolutely fall in love. They rock performing live too! Enjoy~
My friend who's into slow indie songs says he loveeeees the song. And that is a BIG thing cuz he doesn't say that a lot and he doesn't really like emo songs but this was an EXCEPTION. I mean i even had doubts if that was my friend talking in MSN and not his sister or evil twin. Duuuuude~ VL's gonna be huge! Guys~ produce more songs like this and you're gonna be the next A Vacant Affair!!


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