Saturday, August 26, 2006

Cat Lovers Inc.

Whoa. Exams are officially.... O. V. E. R!! Yessssaaahh!

So i have approximately 4 days to enjoy myself before clinical attachment sweeps me off to Tired-As-Fark-Go-Home-Can-Do-Nothing-Else-But Sleep-The_Rest-of-The Day-land.. :P
I have 3 weeks at SGH. Then 2 (*sheds a tear* yes only blardy two) weeks of vacation of which the second week start puasa already.. Darn it. Pathetic huh? Then after that 2 weeks of 'break' i have another 2 weeks of attachment. At SGH Obstetric ward and also at *jeng jeng jeng..* IMH!! muahahaha Yay can get to meet all my fans. LOL
Guess i'm more or less ready for the attachments. We need the experience before the big PRCP. Moreover i have nothing to do at home except house chores and logging on the interNET all day long..

Last year, two days before raya someone disowned a kitten. Then my sis, who was gonna get married and move to her own house, wanted a cat to keep her company at home. So she talked to that kid into giving her that kitten- All black with a white patch on the chest. Then a few hours later we heard pitiful mews underneath the block. I went downstairs and took home another all black cat. Seems like we adopted cat sisters! The first one was younger; so the adik la. Yours truly got to name the kittens- Mono and Stereo it is then! hehe. cool eh

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Mono. Plastic bag monster.

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Stereo in predator-mode. <-- cute wide eyed look Recently they got sterilised. *A big shout out to Fatin and her mum for bringing them to the clinic! We owe u alot.. and thanks for taking care of the neighbourhood cats! May all ur good deeds be rewarded. Insyah-allah..* Whoa balik dari clinic terus marah satu macam. Stereo refused to eat for 2 days- somemore my exam season la, cannot really concentrate cuz worried. Now they are back to their crazy self- running around the house chasing each other. Wrestling. Hah that time they nearly ran into my mum while she was carrying something hot. Made her shout like Tarzan. But Mono's wound kinda got loose or something. There's like a hole there with pus coming out. Darn it i think we have to visit the vet again. I wanted to take a pic of it but it looks very uh. vulgar? pornographic? why? coz i looks like a *****.. yes the one that goes meow. no really. *looks arounds* hope i dont get reported for this.. LOL

oh and my sis decided not to take them both in the end. she took home a kitten at geylang while searching for chendol. guess what she named her? Chendol! haha very creative huh? * rolls eyes* then she also adopted another kitty from Cat Welfare or something. Haven't been named but the cat is oh so scared of people. Doesn't trust humans. So my sis has got her hands full with the 2 new kittens. THAT means Mono and Stereo are staying with us. GOOD. mum and dad who were a bit apprehensive at first also seem to not want to let them go. Mono and Stereo- the first (two) house cats. Usually most of my other cats are the bed-and-breakfast kind. House cats= toilet trained cats => toilet tt smells like cat piss. no larfing matter. Jeez.

This is what always happens when i wake up every morning:
Take towel and other toiletries. Groggily head over to toilet in kitchen. Try not to bang onto the chairs on the way to toilet. *sounds of cat collar bells* Braces self against the wall. So cats manage to outrun me into the toilet. Fine. They go toilet drink water nevermind.. Alamak this two go to the toilet and do their business right before i take my shower la. Which means i have to bathe in a bathroom tt reeks of fresh poo and piss.. --The trials and tribulations of an Ailurophile i guess.

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Nekokyu Stitch ish smiling!! cute right?! My fat-ass cat.

-- maybe we, why don't we sit right here for half an hour? we'll speak of what a waste i am and how we missed your beat again..

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