Tuesday, May 16, 2006

arSCENEic addiction

Whoa.. Its like 1.30 in the morning, on a school day somemore. Heh tomorrow's [or today if u insist] someone's gonna be sleeping in the lecture hall. haha i wonder who.. *ponders* Hmm i just feel like writing down some things in my blog. Like how much i'm loving the band Showbread!! Especially their song Mouth Like A Magazine. U guys have to check out the video on my Friendster profile.. Or just find it on Youtube.. The song is danceable and moshable yet loud enough to be called rock.. Raw rock more like as the band prefers to call their genre raw rock.. Everytime before i log out of Fster i will watch both videos until i settle my music vid craving.. :p

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Hmm yea on to the topic of guys.. Basically i'm a shy kid. But there are times when i am high on happiness juice or if i'm around my crazy frens i will get over this shy thingy.. but more often then not i am a quiet girl.. Just ask my primary schoolmates.. I'm like friggin invisible sometimes.. Good thing i got over that quiet phase. I'm more vocal nowadays thanks to my friends and my past job that teaches me to approach and talk to strangers [heck no i dun sell drugs.. lol. its more of charity work. heh so guai]. Oh ya and i get more shy around Malay guys coz i dun have the uh experience or *insert word here*..
yea this could be due to the fact that i dun have malay guys as classmates in Primary 5 and 6.. I get along just fine with Chinese and Indian guys.. Weird huh?

And i find nowadays that i am able to do stuff that i normally won't do last time.. Well this may sound stoopid but this is my blog so i can write anything i want so nyeh! *sticks tongue out* lol
Well there was the primary school reunion outing to Sentosa, the Jam And Hop 2005, going on camera [for like 1/2 a minute or something] for Hailwa's project and stuff like that. See i told ya i was going OVER the quiet-could-be-a-serial-killer phase hah. but i still wanna be more outgoing.. slowly arh..

Welp its getting r-e-a-l late and i have to wake up early tomorrow fer school so till next time faithful blog readers [i hope]. no stalkers please. haha

--here is where we both go wrong, so sign me up and toss this key 'cause for now we're living--

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